Spiritual maturity is a lifelong process beginning the day you are born and continues throughout life. At Lifehouse we believe that God always has it in his heart to take people on a spiritual journey to know God, to find freedom, to discover their purpose, and to make a difference. And this includes your family.

We believe God designed the church and the home to work together to take the next generation on this journey.  While God designed parents to be the uniquely  perfect, primary faith trainers of their children, the church is called to come alongside families to equip them to lead their children as they develop.  If the church and family are to work together to raise a generation of believers, we need a common path to walk on.  We call this the path of Legacy Milestones.  This path begins and is lived out in your homes.  Along  the Legacy Path, our LH Kids and LH Youth ministries will join you to guide your family through discipling and celebrating each of the milestones at each of your child's different phases of life.

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 NIV


Preschool Milestones
Elementary Milestones
Middle School Milestones
High School Milestones

Plan Your Family’s Legacy Path

Understand that your children follow your lead. By utilizing the tools of the Legacy
Milestone Path, you can be the spiritual leaders that your children need you to be.
• Attend our Courageous Parenting Conference. This two day
conference for parents and caregivers is offered at the beginning of each new
school year. At this conference, you will learn where your family is on the path
and how to lead them to the next milestone. The Courageous Parenting
Conference is the entry point to the Legacy Pathway and a continuing training
opportunity for parents.
• Sign up to attend the core seminar (break out session), “Leading Faith Talks
and Maximizing God Moments” when you register for the Parenting Conference.
• Determine what milestones your children are heading toward in their spiritual
• When registering for the Courageous Parenting Conference, sign up to take the
seminars associated with the milestones your children are growing toward.
Take Parent Seminars 1-2 years BEFORE your child is ready to celebrate a
• Set aside time each week for intentional family faith talks.
• Use recommended resources to quickly create faith talks that will lead your
family along the legacy pathway.
• Be on the lookout for Milestone 1 Seminar, required before Family Dedication,
and Milestone 3 Seminar, required before a child’s baptism, which take place quarterly.
• Celebrate milestones when they are reached, as recommended in the parent
seminars. Feel free to be creative and add your own family’s twist to the
celebrations. Then move forward toward the next milestone.