Milestone Five: Wholeness for Life
 Grades 6-8
Leading your Teenager to Live a Life of Biblical Purity
During Junior High, it becomes blaringly obvious that we must address “SEX” from a biblical perspective. The LH Youth Ministry partners with parents by teaching students the importance of accountability, healthy friendships, and biblical standards for purity. At the same time we think it is much more important for students to learn these principles from their parents. We coach parents to focus on these issues in faith talks and intentional conversations before, and throughout the middle school years. 
Milestone Six: Staying Christian in High School 
Grades 7-8
Helping your Teen to Stand Firm
We know the pressures and stress that students experience today, especially as they transition into high school.  Students feel the pressure of being a “good Christian” in a culture that can often send mixed messages. In this seminar we will equip parents to teach their teens the importance of accountability and moral convictions. We will look at how to help teens handle the temptations and pressures they face every day while making a difference in their world. Parents and teens will be given resources to help them grapple with their faith and make it real for whatever circumstance they face.