Milestone One: Family Dedication
Understanding Your Role as the Primary Faith Trainer
The first step on the Legacy pathway is Family Dedication. This seminar and the resulting ceremony normally occur for parents who have children between birth and one year of age but can extend to the preschool years.  During this seminar,  parents accept the responsibility and learn how to become the primary faith trainers in their homes. This seminar is required before participation in the Family Dedication ceremony.  During the Sunday morning ceremony, the church body commits to partner with the parents in the faith development of the child for the duration of the journey. The seminar and resulting ceremony will occur four times a year in the fall, winter, spring, and summer.
Milestone Two: Faith Discovery
Infusing Lifelong Faith in Preschoolers
Milestone 2 bridges the gap between your commitment to be the primary faith trainer of your child at Milestone 1 and the time when your child better understands the message of the gospel at Milestone 3.  A little one’s brain is developing at a rapid rate. It is the perfect phase for children to receive input from their environment and to learn. In this seminar, we will help parents to capitalize on this phase to foster their child’s exploration of faith and the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, and Bible reading. We believe that no child is too young to have a a friendship with God.